Challenging a Will – How the Court Decides Whether to Make a Family Provision Order
How the Court decides whether to make a Family Provision Order In our last article, we discussed eligibility to apply for an order for a
How the Court decides whether to make a Family Provision Order In our last article, we discussed eligibility to apply for an order for a
Eligibility for Family Provision Claims If you have been left with an inadequate provision in a will, you may wish to apply for an increased
During the later stages of life, a loss of the ability or capacity to make decisions regarding one’s own health, property and finances may be
* This article has been updated since its original posting Quarantine arrangements for international travellers: As of Saturday, 12:01am 18 July 2020, all travellers
If you are travelling overseas for a lengthy period, you may want to give someone a power of attorney to manage things while you are
Let the buyer beware! A general but well-established principle in law is the nemo dat rule. The full expression is in Latin, nemo dat quod
After the recent wild weather in Sydney, soon-to-be homeowners may be rightfully concerned about their legal rights in the event that their dream home is
When the Family Law Act was first enacted, the concepts of custody and guardianship were used to denote different parental duties. These terms have now
Your lawyer is able to commence divorce proceedings in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia on your behalf if either you or your former spouse
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Dee Why NSW 2099
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